Body Positive Boudoir | A Flower Doesn't Compete With The Flower Next To It, It Just Blooms | Cedar Falls Iowa Boudoir Photographer
Boudie Community | Cedar Valley Boudoir by Lexy
AKA The best Facebook group that ever was. Don't even try to argue with me, these ladies in my group are FIERCE as hell. Honestly, they totally kick butt. When I first started my boudoir group I honestly just wanted a safe community to share booties. I mean, yeah, I share a crapton of booties don't get me wrong. They love the booties I post (or they just love feeding my ego, who knows). Between the fun posts and the sexy posts, I don't know what I love more. I do know that my favorite part about the group is the crazy sense of community. You'd never think the group we started out as would turn into such a fun group of close-knit women but it has!
Below I've asked some ladies if they would like to add anything to my blog about the group, and damn did they provide. They make me wanna CRY, y'all. Happy tears of course. I freaking love these women like a second family and for some reason they still like me even though I'm always making bad jokes and awkward live videos. Anyway, they can talk about the group better than me so I'll stop rambling on now!
I honestly don't think there's enough women lifting other women up in the world. I'm all about that feminism body positivity shit y'all. It's so freaking easy to tear someone down. It's so easy to let the world pit us against each other, and I want to challenge that notion; one booty picture at a time.
*not my image
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